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On August 11, 2012, Sabrina and I, two 14 years old girls from Israel went to Liancamp for a week and it was definitely an experience for us to remember! This time, we arrived to Britain alone our first time traveling by plane without adults but we managed. We spent time with Chris Brook and his wife Judy. We enjoyed much the Bible readings with very interesting discussions in the evening. We used two Bible versions – Hebrew and English and this gave us even more experience. Then we went to the camp. It took about four hours on a coach. Although we know three languages: Hebrew, Russian and English, there are still not enough words to describe how camping feels: the sleeping bags, walking in the mud, and the rain. But despite all this, camp is a wonderful place to meet friends, enjoy beautiful nature and get close to God and Jesus. We had interesting Bible study for the week. We were happy to meet some of our old friends that we met in 2010. Liancamp is definitely a place we would like to visit again. I understand that there were many people, the Christadelphians like my mother and father, who helped us to visit this camp and both Sabrina and I would like to thank these people very much. Nataly Kudelkin Ashdod, Israel